September Challenge Day #25--What are your sleep habits? Day #26--What are your favorite things you use your senses for?

First of all, I HAVE to fall asleep to the television.  The sleep timer is the most used button on the remote!  I usually put on some old sitcom or show that I'm not very interested in (but NOT the Food Network's Diners, Drive-ins, or Dives - for some reason it just grates on me when I am trying to sleep and I end up both angry and awake!  Whenever I try to sleep without the TV, I toss and turn, worry and fret, and soon become extremely stressed.  Kim knows that most times if he just lets me watch for 5 minutes or less then I will be sleeping soundly and then he can either turn it off (so he can fall asleep) or else he can then watch the Food Network!

I bought a set of VERY expensive pillows a few years ago.  What a great investment!  My pillow is long enough that I can rest my head on it and at the same time wrap my arms around it.  I almost always sleep on my side, usually in the fetal position.  If Kim isn't home then I tend to use the entire bed, sometimes I even turn upside down with my feet at the headboard and my head at the foot of the bed!  When he is home I don't move as much, but he says that I am notorious for stealing the covers.  I don't believe him because it seems that he always has plenty!

Favorite Things I Use My Senses For

Sight:   The beauty of nature, especially flowers, the beach, and the ocean.   Also I love to look at pictures that trigger memories.

Smell:  Good food cooking, especially things like brownies or an outdoor barbecue.

Hearing:  Music

Taste:  Easy one - Dr. Pepper and chocolate!

Touch:  The feeling of a hug.


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