Food 4 Thought Friday
Food 4 Thought Friday!
A little feast without the calories!!
Please visit Jodi's blog! She posts these for us. Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! She will post a new one each Thursday night. JOIN IN!!!
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions:
Breakfast ~ What is your favorite board game?
I love to play games, and usually my favorite game is the one that I am playing at the moment. Some of my favorites: Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, and Blurt. I absolutely detest Monopoly!
Lunch ~ What is the funniest story your mother or father tells about you?
It's been a long time since my parents have had the mental capacity to tell any stories, so I couldn't come up with any answers. My sister suggested it may be that when I was really little my parents had two little Honda Trail 90 motorcycles. My parents wanted to drive but were afraid that I would fall off, so they secured me to which ever one was driving by using a belt (the kind used to hold up pants).
Dinner ~ What is your biggest fear or phobia??
Although I have several phobias, the worst is probably my fear of heights. One time I was on a Ferris Wheel (I had just married Kim and I somehow let him talk me into getting on the ride). I tried so very hard to enjoy it! I really did. But by the 2nd time around I was panicked, by the 3rd I was crying, and by the 4th I was screaming, "Let me off!". The attendant just laughed at me! First I thought I would just die, and then I was sure I would die of embarrassment!
Midnight Snack ~ What was your worst or most dramatic car trouble?
We took the whole family to Boise for a short vacation and so that Kim could attend a carving show. On the way home our alternator went out and the van just died. Luckily we were right near an exit so we were able to coast to a safe place off the freeway. It was around 10 pm, it was dark, and it was COLD! There was a frigid wind blowing. Of course I had to go to the bathroom. I finally got brave enough to go out to use a bush, and I swear by the time I jumped back into the car my rear end felt as though it had frostbite! We called a tow truck, but it was closer to tow us 60 miles away from home to the next town. There was only room in the tow truck for 3 of us, so (totally illegally) Kim and BJ remained in the van while it was towed. Fortunately Kim's family was kind enough to drive up to rescue us.
Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)

I've never been a fan of Ticket to Ride but it's so many peeps favorite game! Maybe I need to give it another chance.
A belt? That is a great story!
I hate heights too. That's coming from a girl who jumped out of an airplane!
Frostbite on your hiney? OUCH! haha
Love your recipe of the week!