Week in Review - June 5, 2016
Memorial Day was spent with Tasha and Zane in San Diego. We vicariously honored our loved ones who have passed away but obviously did not make it to any graves this year. Instead we had a Harry Potter movie marathon and played more Harry Potter Clue.
We didn't quite make it through all of the movies, but we did watch the first 5: The Sorcerer's Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Azkaban, the Goblet of Fire, The Order of the Phoenix.
We did not have time to watch the rest: The Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows parts 1 and 2. I actually haven't seen these yet, so I'm looking forward to another marathon to watch them sometime.
Tuesday it was time to say farewell - I always HATE that part!
As we headed home the realization that we were coming home to a funeral of one of our beloved family members loomed over us. We arrived just in time to shower and change for the viewing for Craig. Although I was in a hurry, I decided to shave my legs. I'm not sure what happened - either I was very careless or my razor was possessed but when I was finished and toweling off I looked down to see blood seeping from more than 15 cuts all over my legs! I looked like a sprinkler! We were in a hurry so I did applied my great medical knowledge and placed little pieces of toilet tissue on each of the wounds so I wouldn't bleed all over my dress.
Fortunately I had stopped bleeding by the time we arrived at the viewing. It was very nice, well attended. Mickel and Kristiann had made a wonderful tribute video that was shown.
Years ago Kim had carved Craig a Santa, he was honored that the family had chosen to display it at the viewing.
Below is the beautiful tribute to Craig.
The next day just before they closed the casket all of Craig's brothers and sisters gathered at his side and sang a verse from a song from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs entitled The Silly Song. Apparently they had sung it together many times as children and the verse they sang was the one that Craig always sang.
Friday I had to teach a class in Murray and Kim, Kalel, Doug, and Dave had a boy's day. They decided to drive to Salt Lake to meet Lori (who was in Provo visiting her folks) and me for lunch. Taylor and Alec were working in Provo but were able to get off in order to join us. We decided to try out Smashburger. When I asked Dave what he wanted, he replied that he wanted Cold Stone. For many years Kim, Dave, and I would go up to Twin Falls or Boise over Memorial Day for their woodcarving jamboree. We had a tradition to stop both on the way there and back to get Cold Stone Ice Cream. It was something we really looked forward to. Since Dave's health issues prevented the trip this year I think he felt he was missing out - so when we met up for lunch he made his wishes known! I reminded him that we were not close to any Cold Stones, but told him that we could make drive 20 miles out of way to get dessert after lunch if he wanted. He wanted.
So, we all feasted heavily on Smashburgers and fries and then loaded up in the cars (3 of them) to drive back to Cold Stone. It was yummy of course! And Dave was very happy.
We didn't quite make it through all of the movies, but we did watch the first 5: The Sorcerer's Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Azkaban, the Goblet of Fire, The Order of the Phoenix.
We did not have time to watch the rest: The Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows parts 1 and 2. I actually haven't seen these yet, so I'm looking forward to another marathon to watch them sometime.
Tuesday it was time to say farewell - I always HATE that part!
As we headed home the realization that we were coming home to a funeral of one of our beloved family members loomed over us. We arrived just in time to shower and change for the viewing for Craig. Although I was in a hurry, I decided to shave my legs. I'm not sure what happened - either I was very careless or my razor was possessed but when I was finished and toweling off I looked down to see blood seeping from more than 15 cuts all over my legs! I looked like a sprinkler! We were in a hurry so I did applied my great medical knowledge and placed little pieces of toilet tissue on each of the wounds so I wouldn't bleed all over my dress.
Fortunately I had stopped bleeding by the time we arrived at the viewing. It was very nice, well attended. Mickel and Kristiann had made a wonderful tribute video that was shown.
Years ago Kim had carved Craig a Santa, he was honored that the family had chosen to display it at the viewing.
Below is the beautiful tribute to Craig.
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Kristiann wrote the poem |
Ho hum the tune is dumb
The words don't mean a thing
Isn't this a silly song
For anyone to sing?
Isn't this a silly song
For anyone to sing?
I chased a polecat up a tree
Way out on upon a limb
And when he got the best of me
I got the worst of him
Way out on upon a limb
And when he got the best of me
I got the worst of him
It was incredibly touching. During the funeral they again sang a special primary song that their family had often sung together, "I Know My Heavenly Father Loves Me" It was a beautiful arrangement with five-part harmony. They sounded incredible!
The speakers at the funeral included one of his friends from his youth, a favorite cousin, and Kim and Doug. They all were instructed to share memories of fun times with Craig before he started getting so sick. It was an awesome tribute to an awesome man. The casket was covered by a beautiful quilt that Kristiann had finished for him just days before he passed.
I have been surprisingly emotional throughout this week in dealing with Craig's death. I honestly have been expecting him to die for several years and have been more than ready to move forward without him on earth. He has been so very sick for such a long time and I learned a long time ago (thanks to BJ) that dying can be a great thing for those who die because they don't have to deal with earthly burdens anymore. I thought that I had dealt with saying farewell to him, to accepting that he would no longer be here, but he would be healthy. However I guess I was unprepared to feel the loss as well as to feel the sorrow of his family. Perhaps it was because we were not here for the days leading up to the viewing and funeral, who knows. He was a great, gentle, honest, fun-loving man who is leaving a big hole in many hearts.
It was so good to just hang out with all of the Olsen clan (including the California Olsens) for the days after the viewing and funeral. We had a fantastic time sharing memories and good times.
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The Olsen Clan Alicia & Dave Olsen, Joan, Barbara, Kim Dennis & Jan Rasmussen, Jody Woodland, Ron Ocana, Audrey, Lori & Doug Olsen |
It was a wonderful diversion as well as a fond farewell to the California Olsens. It has been so nice to have them close. Now that all but one of their children are living in Utah or Idaho I hope that they decided to move closer.
Family....close, far, and in heaven.
That burger looks dang good!