Food 4 Thought Friday

Please visit Jodi's blog! She posts these for us. Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! She will post a new one each Thursday night. JOIN IN!!!
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions:
Breakfast ~ What is your favorite part of Christmas preparation? Least favorite?
My favorite part is listening to Christmas music. I just love Christmas music! Kim and I have over 14 hours’ worth of music that we have collected and each one is very special to me.
My least favorite is actually putting up the decorations. I LOVE having them up, but actually decorating drives me crazy. And I don’t like trying to figure out where to put the stuff I take down to put up Christmas.
Lunch ~ What one thing would make Christmas just not Christmas for you?
To not have my family here. To me Christmas is all about family, immediate family as well as extended. Sometimes I dream of going away for Christmas, but would only do it if my family could come too.
Dinner ~ What is your favorite Christmas song? Movie? Treat? Tradition?
Christmas Song: I love them all! But my favs are “Let It Be Christmas” by Alan Jackson and “Angels We Have Heard on High”.
Movie: White Christmas is the BEST!
Treat: I’m not sure what the real name is, we always just call it “Christmas Crack”. Oh – I just found it on Google! It is called Carmel Corn Puffs. I could eat the whole bowl!
Tradition: I love Christmas Eve. Dinner and games with my sisters and families including a reading of the bible Christmas Story with the kids using stick puppets. Often times a talent show is included. Afterwards we head home to open one present (usually PJ’s), pose for family pics, and then just relax and enjoy the lights of the Christmas tree.
Midnight Snack ~ How do you fit in all the extra things that have to be done during the holiday season?
I honestly have no idea!
Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)
Try make a more valiant effort to focus on the real reason for the Christmas season – Jesus Christ came to earth to make it possible for us to return and live with God again.
I love caramel puffs too! I answered your question about why do I do the calendar and poem on my comments on my blog!
Thanks for playing!