Week in Review 12/4/16

Serious lack of photos this week!  I'm really slacking!

It is December!  Wow!  That came fast!  Christmas will be here before we know it.  Tasha and Zane will be here, I can't wait to see them, it has been too long.

This week was pretty uneventful.  Work was good - my boss, Sally asked me if I would teach the Maternal/Newborn/Pediatric class in Murray next semester.  Of course I jumped at the chance.  Maternal/Newborn is my passion and I can't wait to teach it!  Of course I am not thrilled to have to drive to Murray each Monday, but Sally offered to let me stay at her house each Sunday evening (which is only minutes away from the campus) so that I won't have to get up early and fight the traffic.  I think that I may just take her up on that!  Now to start working on lesson plans!

Friday night was the anniversary of Tyson Wilding's passing therefore it was "Chocolate Dessert Day".  I made the dessert and Kim and I took it over.  The Jodi and Dave were both home and invited us in for a visit.  We ended up staying a long time and had a great visit.  I am so grateful for this tradition of Chocolate Dessert Day!  And I'm especially grateful for good friends like the Wildings.

Saturday was our annual Olsen Family Christmas Party and it was marvelous (as usual!)  Dave and Alicia and family were in charge this year.  We had a terrific soup bar with bread bowls, my favorite, and brownies with peppermint ice cream for dessert.  Of course we played Christmas trivia games (Kim and I are the masters at Christmas trivia!)  Then, for the main event Alicia had her niece, Maddie, give us painting lessons.  Every person from Summer, who is two, to Grandma Olsen, who is 86, was given a canvas and paint and we all followed Maddie's instructions to create our own masterpieces.

We had a BLAST!  It is all the rage right now to have a painting night and I can see why.  Everyone had a good time and there were some very good art skills portrayed.  Of course, there were a few pictures that were not quite museum quality, but everyone had a great time.

Kalel opted to think outside the box and create a masterpiece of his own design without following the instructor.
Since he finished first I gave him the camera to record the evening.  He decided that he liked being the photographer and may want to be a news photographer when he grows up.  Who knows?  I think he did a pretty good job at getting candid shots of everyone.

A big thank you goes out to Dave and especially Alicia and their family for putting on such a grand event!  It was tons of fun!

My emotions are still wacky (I'm pretty sure it is the medicine), I just can't seem to get evened out.  Sunday was a bad day - especially in church.  Between the wonderful testimonies that were borne and Marilyn crying while she was bearing her testimony I lost it and started sobbing.  I HATE WHEN I DO THAT IN CHURCH!  I was a basket case.  Of course, the knowledge that Marilyn was basically sharing her testimony for the last time in our ward didn't help, and several people hugged me to console me saying that they know how much I will miss Marilyn.  I will, but I think my emotional rollercoaster had a lot more to do with those darn meds than anything else.  I'm going to try to get into the doctor as soon as possible to talk about a change.

Yes, the Parrishes are moving.  I have known that they have been thinking about it for a long time, but I tried to ignore it hoping that they would just stay forever.  However, I also know how much they try to stay in tune with the Lord and try to be obedient - so when they had a great opportunity present itself along with inspiration to get their house ready to sell, they were ready.  They sold their house literally in one day and are now just waiting for the appraisal and everything to make sure that the sell will go through.  They are planning to rent for 6-7 months and then move to Oklahoma.  I can't even express how sad I am about them moving, but I know that they are doing what they should be doing and so Kim and I are doing our best to support them.

Family - and friends who are family too.


Jodi said…
It was so fun to have you guys stay and eat that yummy stuff with us! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't believe neither of us thought to take a photo! Next time!
What a fun family party! I wish ours did something like that! Maybe I should start one! NOT! hehe well...maybe!
I am so sad they Parrish's are moving too! But I can't imagine how hard it is for you guys!

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