September Challenge Day #18--What are some of your routines?

I have LOTS of routines!  I function so much better when I do things in the same way and at the same time.  That is one reason why I have had some struggles this year, because my schedule is constantly changing and I rarely work consistent shifts.  I’m not complaining about my job, it has just been a struggle to adapt to the fact that I have to function without my beloved routines!

Perhaps my biggest routine is in the morning.  Usually I try to have my day go something like this:  I wake up, say prayers, then head to the kitchen to make breakfast.  Most days I have oatmeal (different flavors) and while it is cooking I empty the dishwasher.  I then take my breakfast into my office and read emails and catch up on facebook while I eat.  
After a few games of whatever game I am addicted to at the time, I try to read scriptures and then get ready for the day.

Even when my kids were still young I pretty much followed the same routine.  Before email and facebook were invented I would read a book while I ate breakfast.  The kids knew that breakfast was MY time to be alone and they didn’t dare disturb me!

I ALWAYS read a book while I am drying and styling my hair.  That is when I do most of my reading (except that I also read when I am relaxing in the bathtub).  
Then make-up. 

However, now that I work nights I find that when I get up it is time to meet friends for lunch so I have to race to get ready.  Prior to my nocturnal life I never left my house without my hair and make-up done, but since the change from days to nights I find now that there have been many times I have raced out the door without even looking in the mirror!  Oh the horror!  I’m pretty sure that anyone seeing me in that state must assume that zombies have come to life! 
I sincerely apologize to anyone who has had to look at me in that condition!


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