September Challenge Day #21--When did someone help you out unexpectedly? How has that changed how you do certain things or your outlook?

There are SO many people who have helped me – many more than I could ever list.  Friends that drop me a note or give a small gift when I am down.  Friends that cleaned my house when I was not able to.  Friends that brought in meals when I was sick or in need.  Friends who donated financially.  Friends who just give me so much love and support.
Because of the great service that I have been given and the example shown to me I try to be more willing to give of my time and service to others.  I’m far from perfect at noticing and acknowledging people who need help, but it is a trait that I am trying to develop. 

In the General Relief Society Meeting last Saturday a couple of the talks focused on keeping our covenants by bearing one another’s burdens and mourning with those who morn.  Also, we were reminded that we covenanted at baptism to be willing to serve the Lord by serving others – every day of our lives.  By doing that, the Lord has covenanted to always have His spirit with us.  This is such a great reminder!


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