September Challenge Day #20--What are 5 (or 10) things you have a hard time saying “yes” to, and what are 5 (or 10) things you have a hard time saying “no” to?

This challenge has been very difficult for me to write and I have stewed over it for several days.  I was able to come up with a few of the things I have a hard time saying "yes" and "no" to, but could not complete all five.  Finally I just decided to post what I have and leave it at that.

Things I have a hard time saying "yes" to:
Cleaning my house.  Yes, I LOVE having a clean house, but actually doing the work is something I have a very hard time saying "yes" to!  So many times there are so many other things that steal my focus and I am distracted from the messes.  Also, both my husband and I tend to hoard things.  This makes it extremely difficult to put everything away it its place, because there isn't a place available!  Since there isn't a perfect place to put it, I can't decide what to do, so I panic and ignore it!  
Exercising and Eating Healthy.  Actually, I don't mind exercise, and I love feeling like I am good shape, however I am a MASTER at talking myself out of it!  Especially when my life is so scattered that I can't get a routine Routines post. And eating healthy?  Not even an option!  I honestly don't like anything that resembles healthy food!  Salads make me sick, most vegetables are just YUCKY (occasionally they are okay - as long as they are covered in salt and butter).  
Making and Sticking to a Budget.  I don't feel that we are extravagant spenders in our house, but we aren't very good at budgeting.  I know that if we could plan and stick to a budget we would be much better off!  However, we never seem to get it done.  (Anyone have a "round tuit" we could use?

Things I have a hard time saying "no" to:
Anyone who wants to talk or laugh - especially if it involves lunch!  I can NEVER say no to a phone call, good times with friends, or going to lunch.  I will give up sleep, postpone homework, or any other tasks for my friends and family!

Helping my girls or my grandson.  Whether it is helping with carpools, doctor's appointments, homework, writing resumes, babysitting, or just lending a listening ear I have a really hard time saying no - because I love them so much!
Accepting church callings.   When called to a new position to serve in the church, I almost always begin by having a panic attack!  What if I can't do it?  What if I am lousy at doing the new job?  What if I am not good (smart, organized, etc) enough?  However,  I then suck it up and swallow my fears, and then I say "yes"!  And I am SO glad that I do!  I have had many callings in the church including Primary teacher, Primary chorister, sports director, teacher in the Young Women, activities chairman, and Gospel Essentials teacher.  Each one of my callings has benefited me much more that anyone else.  Most of the positions I have held were total surprises when I was first called - I never imagined that I could do them!  However it never ceases to amaze me that I when I actually starting putting my heart and soul into the calling, and with the blessings that are given, I feel like that calling is an exact fit for what I need to be doing at the time.  It has happened time and time again!  


Jodi said…
Love this post! And I love your clip art! Where do you get them without watermarks on them? I have a hard time finding them free of those.
I am glad you can't say no to lunch! When is our next one? SOON I HOPE!

Hey, I want to start a challenge tomorrow since it will be a new month. I want to actually do it on schedule this time. Should I just do the Sept one or is there also a new Oct one? If so email it will ya?

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