September Challenge Day #17--What are some of your detailed favorites?

I wasn't sure what today's challenge question was asking, exactly, so I did a little research and decided to pick a few things and tell the brand or kind that I like best.

Laundry soap:  I LOVE the smell of Gain!  And the scent seems to last a long time, and I find myself continually smelling my clothes - just like in the commercial!

Pens:  I very much prefer blue, medium point (absolutely must be medium point) pens, however I can't use blue at work so I use black.  I like RSVP brand the best.  My dear hubby likes to use fine point, but I can't stand it - I feel like I am scratching the paper to the point where it will tear!

Oatmeal:  Although I like many different kinds of instant oatmeal, my favorite is Western Family Cinnamon Roll flavor.  I add two tablespoons of ground flax seed.  Um  Yummy!

Water:  Although I am not very picky about the brand, I prefer drinking bottled water that is room temperature - not cold.

Hair products:  Shandra got me hooked on using Big and Sexy hair products.  Perhaps she is hinting that I am sexy even though I am big?  LOL.  I think she just knows that I like to add volume to my hair.

Candy Bar:  I like most candy, but seem to reach for Milky Way and M&M's (plain, peanut or peanut butter) the most.

Ice Cream:  I love ice cream, if I am at home I will seldom eat it without a cone - cake cone, not sugar or waffle;

However if I go out, it has to be Cold Stone.  I almost always get sweet cream, fudge, and caramel.  Sometimes I will add bananas or Heath bar to it.  But NEVER in a waffle cone. They used to have macadamia nuts at Cold Stone and I would always add the those, but they don't carry them anymore.  I brought a bag home from Hawaii and added them myself for quite awhile, but now I'm out.  (Hint:  if anyone goes to Hawaii, PLEASE pick me up some macadamia nuts!)

So, there you have it, just a few of my crazy quirks!


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