September Challenge Day #4--A fill in the blank Day: Whenever I ________, I ________.
Whenever I get sick, get stressed, feel lonely, feel happy, get tired, feel the Spirit, watch a sad movie, watch a happy movie, or laugh too hard, I cry.

It's true, I am a crier! It seems as though everything makes me cry. And, usually it isn't just the little tears running down my face. No, I put my whole body into it, sobs that seem to start from the tips of my toes cause me to shake and quake, my throat feels like it is on fire and it tries to choke back the loud wails that threaten to break the sound barrier. And the headache! It hurts if I try to hold back the tears - and it hurts worse if I let them loose.
Oh the tragedy of it all!
It's true, I am a crier! It seems as though everything makes me cry. And, usually it isn't just the little tears running down my face. No, I put my whole body into it, sobs that seem to start from the tips of my toes cause me to shake and quake, my throat feels like it is on fire and it tries to choke back the loud wails that threaten to break the sound barrier. And the headache! It hurts if I try to hold back the tears - and it hurts worse if I let them loose.
Oh the tragedy of it all!
You hide those tears pretty well from others! If you ever need a good cry come over and we can watch Les Miz again!