September Challenge Day #3--What are some choices in your life that affected where you are now?

This question is not one in which a quick answer will suffice!  There have been many, many decisions that have gotten me to the place that I am now – some of the choices were good, and some were, ummm, not so good.

As a young adult my inability to make a decision and stick with it made it impossible to get a college degree – however I did get a very well-rounded and diversified education!

The decision to partake of mood-altering substances cost me the relationship of a very good friend.

The decision to stop partaking of those substances and start attending Young Adult activities provided the opportunity to meet the love of my life, who I married and still adore to this day!

The decision to begin our family immediately after our marriage allowed us to spend 21 years with BJ while he was on this earth.

The decision to start making religion a priority and become active members of the Church of Jesus Christ provided the opportunity for our family to be sealed together as a forever family, giving us the knowledge that we will be with BJ again.

The choice to grow closer to the Lord and not to get bitter while dealing with my son’s death has given me a chance to develop compassion and empathy, which has given me many opportunities to serve others

The choice to move back into my old stompin’ grounds gave my children the chance to develop a great relationship with my mother, and gave me the opportunity to help her during the time she was sick.

That same move gave me the opportunity to develop close and very dear friendships with people who have literally been angels in my life.

The choice to invest in a timeshare condo has given our family valuable, very special time together.  I give a lot of credit to the condo for the closeness Kim and I feel to our wonderful girls!

The choice to return to school has given me the title of “RN”, a title that I feel is a great honor to carry.

I could go on and on and on because choices are made each and every day which affect the course of my life.  Hopefully my choices continue to lead me to places where I can be happy and surround by those I love.


Jodi said…
Yea! A longer than usual post!
Wow, this really makes you stop and think how important all these daily choices make are. I'm glad you moved back so I could meet you!

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