September Challenge Day #2--If you were forced to go back in time to the olden days, but were allowed to take 10 modern conveniences with you, what would you take?

  • Flush toilets (with toilet paper) and running water
  • Cars – I can’t imagine having to travel for DAYS to get somewhere
  • My computer (hopefully Google would still work) 
  • Digital camera – to save all of my memories on my computer
  • Refrigerator – I LOVE my cold milk in the morning!  And, it is nice to keep leftovers it.
  • GPS – So much easier to keep from getting lost
  • Electricity - to give power to all of the above!
  • Ibuprofen – the miracle drug
  • My friend “the doctor” with all of his modern knowledge
  • Dr. Pepper (of course!) – who could live without it?


Jodi said…
I'm pretty sure they didn't have Hershey bars or Dove chocolate. That would be on my short list! lol

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