September Challenge Day #6—What is something that describes you from each letter of the alphabet?

A-    Accountable, 
B-     Busy
C-   Compassionate
D-    Dorky
E-     Enormous
F-      Friendly
G-   Grateful
H-     Hopeful, Honest 
I-        Impatient 
J-      Jumbled 
K-     Kooky 
L-      Laughabl
M-  Messy 
N-    Nice 
O-   Overwhelmed 
P-     Prayerful 
Q-   Quirky 
R-     Ready for a break 
S-      Sluggish 
T-      Tired 
U-     Upstanding 
V-    Vertical 
W-  Worried 
X-     I  have no clue what to put for x! 
Y-    Yearning
 Z-  Zany


Jodi said…
This is cool!
For X - you are X-ceptional and X-traordinary!

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