October Challenge #10--What is one little word you want to improve on for the next year?

How do you choose only one word?  My friend, Jodi, did a great job addressing this challenge.  I wish I could be as decisive as she.  There are so many words floating around in my head, I’m not sure that I can narrow it down to just one.
Perhaps I will make a list of things I would like to improve on and then try to sum up with just one word.  Here goes . .

During the next year I would like to improve on:
Making healthy meals:  cook
Getting more physically fit:  exercise
Improve my scripture study and relationship with God:  spirituality
Be more willing to help and support people I love:  care

Hmmm, I think that is it!  The word I want to improve on is care.  If I care about myself and my family I will be more willing to cook and exercise.  If I care about my relationship with God I will devote more time to become more spiritual.  If I truly care about others, I will have a desire to help and support them.

This year my word is:


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