October Challenge #8--What are some of your favorite childhood memories?

I have always been blessed with great friends!  I can’t remember a time when I didn't have lots of good friends to play with every day.  We loved to play board and card games, ride our bikes, and swoon over teen idols such as Donny Osmond, David Cassidy, and Davy Jones.  

We listened to the radio all of the time, KCPX 1320.  We had sleepovers almost every weekend, sleeping outside in sleeping bags whenever the weather was good. (Of course there were a few episodes of toilet papering friend's homes, but I won't mention that!)

I have always been obsessed with boys and developed crushes that changed almost as often as the weather.  However, I had one crush that lasted several years.  My friend, Sue, and I would walk past his house so often that I’m surprised that there we didn't wear a groove into the asphalt.

Overall I think that I had a very happy childhood!


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