October Challenge #9--What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?

Black Friday Shopping:  my sister and I have gone Black Friday shopping every year since our daughters were very young and we raced to get the very inexpensive Barbie dolls at Shopko! We do ALL of our shopping AND wrapping on that one day!
Going to the condo with our family.  This is a tradition that means the most to me, just spending down time with the family, remembering with all of the hustle and bustle of the season that taking time just to love and appreciate family is most important.

Christmas pajamas.  I keep thinking that we don’t need to do this anymore, but for some reason we just have to have fun pj’s on Christmas Eve.

Christmas party on the first Saturday in December with the Olsens and Christmas Eve with the Duerdens. 

Christmas morning with the Parrishes, enjoying the toys that Santa brought for them. 

Even though there is so much hustle and bustle and I never feel like there is enough time to truly enjoy the holidays, I LOVE Christmas.  I love the music, the lights, and especially spending time with family.  


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