October Challenge #20--What sports have you participated in?

My very favorite sport is and always has been volleyball.  I wasn't good enough to make the high school team, but I attended every game anyway as a linesman and cheerleader.  I played many, many years on a city rec team.  Again, I am not awesome at the sport, but sure enjoy playing!

I also played a lot of softball when Kim and I were first married.  Between my ladies team, our co-ed team, and his men's teams we were at the ball diamond for 6 nights a week for a few years!  Our children thought that summer meant running around at the ball diamond every night!
I don't have any pics of me playing softball, so here is one of Kim!


Jodi said…
Um... you're not awesome at the sport?
You are amazing! These pix are great! Love the newspaper clipping!

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