October Challenge #23--What do you love about your country?

I love that we have freedom of religion, that anyone has the right to worship in the way that they feel is best.  Although there have been some people who try to take that right away, over all it is still the best place in the world.  That being said, I am disappointed that that freedom is slowly being taken away from us, prayer is no longer allowed in school, people are trying to take the words, "In God We Trust" off our coins, that those few who don't believe in God try to take away the right to worship from those of us who do.
I love that the US helps other countries in need.

I love the beauty and the diversity – in the land and in the people.  There are so many beautiful landmarks found across the nation, coastal areas with beautiful beaches, majestic mountains, phenomenal rivers and waterfalls, desert plains, sunny and hot areas, cold and snowy areas.  There is so much to see!  The diversity in the people is unbelievable!  Every walk of life can be found in the United States of America.
I love that you can get most anything that you want (for a price, of course).  Short-term things like groceries and clothing.  Education and the opportunity to work in the career of one's choice.

I love the feeling of pride and joy when the entire audience rises to sing the national anthem.  And I love how the military are honored for serving our country


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