October Challenge #26--What experiences have you had in the E.R.?

Fortunately we have not had many experiences in the E.R.!  A few trips for stitches

I have taken my dad in for various things - the most significant was when we discovered that he had a broken neck!  The guy had been walking around for years with a broken neck and didn't know it!  We got him into surgery at the University of Utah and he is good as new.

I took Kim to the E.R. when he was having chest pain and he threw a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot to the lung).  While in the ER in Ogden we were kind of having a party with Kim's whole family there!  He was feeling pretty good then, and we were waiting for a Paramedic transport to Brigham.  However by the time he got to Brigham he wasn't feeling so good any more.  The next week was awful!

We took mom to the ER when we discovered that she had gangrene in a wound in her foot.  They admitted her to the hospital where they ended up removing two toes.

The worst trip to the ER without a doubt is when BJ died.  However, as awful as that was, it was there that I learned that the Lord is always there for us, that He knows me personally, and He gave me a personal witness that everything was "going to be okay", and it is!  BJ is exactly where he should be right now, and our family has remained very close.  


Jodi said…
Wow! No wonder you became a nurse! With all those experiences it sounds like your family needs a nurse!

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