October Challenge #13--What do you like/dislike about your body?

This is a difficult question to answer without sounding like I am bragging or whining about parts of my body.

Mostly I am just glad to have a body!  A third-part of the hosts of heaven were not given that opportunity because they chose to follow Satan instead of Christ.  So, I very much like my body.  I like that it is healthy most of the time.  I like that I can walk and play and do fun things.

There are a few things that I especially like about my body – I think my ankles are nice, and I love my blue eyes. 
 I have never liked my feet because they are short and wide and have a high arch so I have a difficult time finding shoes that fit and look nice. I like my blonde hair and the fact that I don’t have to worry about plucking my eyebrows or feel like an ape covered in body hair.  However the down side of that is that my blonde eyelashes are almost invisible so I have to wear tons of mascara in order to feel like my eyes are visible at all.   

I wish that my body were more in shape, but that would involve less chocolate and more exercise, so I’m not sure that it is worth it!  I do know that as I get older it gets harder and harder to make my body flex and move, I miss my younger body!

From a medical standpoint I am totally amazed at the workings of the human body.  How everything works in sync and harmony with the other parts to create a machine that is capable of doing anything - including the creation of new life!  The workings of the human body testify of the hand of God. 

 There is no other explanation that even makes sense.  There are just too many things that have to work exactly in the right way, in the right time to be coincidence.  


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