October Challenge #17--What are your favorite/least favorite chores around the house?

Chores around the house - is there really a favorite?  I know that there are some that I don't TOTALLY hate, but for the most part I could go forever without doing household chores and never miss them!  I'm pretty sure that the reason I dislike chores so much is because I am a frustrated organizational failure.  I have deep desires to organize, but I fail miserably at executing the organization.  Thus, I do NOT have a place for everything and I have to make decisions about where to put things every time.  This sends me into a panic, so I avoid it!

Here is a very basic list of chores and my feelings about them:

Laundry - I don't hate laundry, but I do seem to procrastinate doing it until there is nothing left to wear!  I kind of enjoy folding clothes as long as I do it while sitting on my bed watching something fun on television.  However, after the clothes are folded the need to be put away - and that is what I hate!  Weird. . .

Dishes - As long as I don't have to cook, I don't mind the dishes too much.  I think the reason I don't mind is because I always know where to put the dishes after I am done!

Cooking - I don't mind cooking - once in a while - but mostly I really do not like it.  I don't like to choose what to make, I don't like to stand in the hot kitchen.

Bathrooms - Pretty much I think anyone who likes to clean the bathroom is just goofy!

I'm depressed just thinking about all the chores I should be doing!


Jodi said…
I'm with you! I hate chores too! And I hate putting away the laundry as well! You think by that point in the process we would be excited to put it away! Not me, I hate that part!

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