October Challenge #16--What is your love story?

I have probably posted my love story before, but I love thinking about it, so I'm going to tell it again!  

I was good friends with Brian who was the Regional Young Adult representative.  At that time the Young Adults were a very large group who had frequent activities and at least one dance a month.  These activities were all well attended and there was usually around 100-150 Young Adults attending the dances.  
Not very good pictures, but this is Brian and I dancing

At one activity the speaker made a comment in his talk "We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth".  We took that very seriously and adopted the phrase "we need 12 hugs a day to remain mentally stable" as our theme.  Throughout the entire community Young Adults were asking, "have you had your hugs today?" to every person they saw, and then would give them a big hug.  
One evening Brian brought his friend, Kim, into the Pizza Hut where I was working.  I had not met him before, but it didn't matter, each of them gave me a big hug anyway.  Brian's hug was nice, but when Kim hugged me I felt something powerful and right.  He let go of me and the three of us started talking.  Since it was a slow night at work, we had time to talk for quite a few minutes.  

Then the question - Brian asked me to please come to the upcoming activity which was a dance at a disco in Logan.  He had been trying to get me to go to the dances for quite awhile but I didn't feel comfortable going alone.

Bravely I said, "I will go, but only if one of you will pick me up, take me to the dance, and stay with me all night, and then bring me home."  I wasn't really asking for a date - I just didn't want to be alone.  

Surprisingly Kim piped right up with, "I'll do it!"  I agreed and then they left.

As soon as the left, I turned to my co-worker, Jenny, and said, "I am going to marry that boy".  She thought I was kidding, but I was totally serious.  I knew the minute that I hugged Kim I would marry him.  (Of course I didn't tell him that until after we were engaged!  But Jenny was my witness.)
Kim & I dancing

The night of the dance was fabulous - well actually the dance was pretty lame and we left early, but we sat in the car and talked and talked and talked!  Before we knew it, it was 5:30 in the morning!  We talked every day after that for the next two weeks.
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Two weeks to the day after the dance I left to go to school in Spain for the summer.  It was SO hard to leave him!  The BYU group I went with had planned to attend school for several weeks and then when finished they were splitting up into groups and touring around Europe.  By the time school had ended I was missing Kim so much that I declined to go touring and I came home, 3 weeks early.  Kim rode to the airport with my parents to pick me up.  I couldn't sleep after we arrived home, so Kim and I went for a very long walk that lasted most of the night.  (I think that is when I first started liking midnight walks which I love to this day.)

Two months after I arrived home, on October 8th, Kim asked me to marry him.  Of course I said yes!  And I have never regretted my decision.  Kim and I are good together.  He takes good care of me, he makes me laugh, and he loves our children.  I still love to be with him, 31 years later!


Jodi said…
Well, if you wrote about this before, I missed it! This was so fun to read and know your love story! SO SWEET! I love looking at wedding photos of peeps our age! We were all babies!!!!
Jodi said…
Oh, and yes, you two are perfect together! One of the cutest and funnest and most loving couples I know!

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