October Challenge #15-- Record something that happened in the last week.

Dad and his girls!
Ashley, Robin, Julie, Roxane, Audrey
My dad will turn 80 years old later this month – what a monumental feat!  It is especially amazing since he honestly planned to only live to be about forty!  I will be out of town on his actual birthday so we decided to celebrate a little early.

Robin had a GREAT idea for a gift.  We designed a t-shirt that said, “I just turned 80.  If lost please contact one of my girls” and then it had a picture of all of us, including Julie.

Of course I offered to do a slide show.  Ashley did most of the labor searching the scrapbooks and scanning pictures of dad.  Then together we put together the slide show with some of dad’s favorite music.  It took a ton of time, but it was worth it.

Roxane offered her home for the party.  She got him some practical gifts like a toothbrush, toothpaste, as well as socks and shirts. 

We had a wonderful time!  Dad’s brother Verle and his wife Leone joined us for the celebration.  We bought pre-made hoagie sandwiches and sandwiches from the deli along with pumpkin pie and a chocolate cake.  Robin and Corbin made all of the decorations.

Rox found an old home video mom had made for us years ago showing the early part of their marriage as well as us kids when we were little.  It was so fun to watch! 

Dad wasn't sure that he actually wanted to have a party – especially since it wasn't really the day of him birth.  All the way down he talked about whether he should even attend this party.  I’m so glad that we talked him into it!

Dad loved his gifts!  He thought the shirt with our pictures on it was terrific!  We then showed the slideshow we had made.  I knew when we made it that he would like it, but I had no idea just how much!  All the way home, for about 30 minutes, he went on and on and on, saying things like, “I can’t believe how happy I am!”  and “This is the best day of my life!”  He then made a comment that will forever stay with me, “I always thought that I was in the background and wasn't very important, but because of the slide show I now know that I was someone who was mattered”.  Oh my goodness!  I had no idea when I proposed the idea for the slideshow that it could make such a difference in someone’s life.  How grateful I am that we took the time to put it together and make it special just for him.  I’m so very glad that we made him happy!


Jodi said…
This made me just cry! What a sweet man and I'm so glad you did that slideshow. You need to give him a copy so he can watch it over and over!

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