September Challenge Day #10--What are some addictions that you have?

I'm sure that anyone who knows me will suspect that I will start my addiction list with Dr. Pepper

Yes, that is an addiction of mine - but it is only part of the problem.

My very, very biggest addiction is:

I can't help it, I like things sweet.  Of course I like chocolate

and ice cream

and brownies

But it is not just treats and desserts that I like sweet.  I made the most wonderful chicken pasta salad the other day.  The reason it is wonderful?  Because it is made with coleslaw dressing - which is very sweet.

I always add brown sugar to spaghetti or chili.

And, my oatmeal and cheerios are always swimming in sugar.

I'm beginning to wonder if there is a 12-step program for sugar.  I'm sure that there must be one. Do you think they would mind if I brought M&M's to the meetings?


Jodi said…
We are soul sisters on this one!With the exception of the brown sugar to spaghetti and chili. Really? I'd probably love it too!
I would love your recipe to the pasta salad. Mmmm.......

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