September Challenge Day #14--Find your favorite “somethings” and record a little bit about them!
One of my very favorite "somethings" is this moose Christmas blanket that BJ gave to me the Christmas before he died. He knew that I was crazy for moose, and was SO excited to give it to me that he was almost jumping out of his skin when I was opening it! I love to wrap up in this blanket at Christmas time and remember how good his hugs feel. BJ's hugs are really special. Pretty much you feel as though your ribs were being crushed - and very safe and loved at the same time.

Another favorite of mine is my "daisy wall". The photos are pictures that I took of my very own daisies in my front yard. The vinyl above says "He who laughs. Lasts". That is one of my favorite sayings because I am a firm believer that laughter truly is the best medicine. Shandra once pointed out that every vinyl saying in my house has something in it about laughter - hmmmm, think it is a coincidence?
Another one of favorites is painted toenails. (I seriously considered whether I should put an actual picture of my feet because they are not the most attractive, but decided that since this blog is about me I should.) There have been very few days in my adult life that my toenails were uncolored - they just look too bare to me!
These are just a very small sampling of my favorite "somethings". I could make a list that goes on and on forever, I have tons of favorites!