September Challenge Day #12--How are things different now from when you were a kid?
Things are SO different now than when I was growing up! Of course, we all know that I grew up in the dinosaur age, before there was even dirt, so change is inevitable, right?
Here is a list of a few things that were different:
There were more kids playing outside. We didn't have computers or handheld games so we entertained ourselves by playing outside. In the summer we left the house first thing in the morning and didn't come home until dinner time. The world wasn't as scary, we never worried about kidnappings or any other other evil befalling us. Of course we didn't have cell phones so when it was time to come home mom didn't text or call us. She stood on the porch and yelled our names. We could hear her from anywhere in the neighborhood!

Speaking of phones, we only had land lines - and during my early years we had a party line. A party line was where 2, 3, or 4 homes shared the same phone line. Often you would lift the telephone receiver, ready to make a phone call, and you would hear a conversation from someone on your party line. You would have to wait until they were finished before you could make your call. If the phone rang you would have to answer it to find out who it was - no caller ID, and if you weren't home, you just missed the call because there was no answering machine.
We only had 4 television channels, CBS, ABC, NBC, and PBS. When special shows would come on that we wanted to watch (like Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer and A Charlie Brown Christmas) we would all gather around the television with eyes glued to the show. We knew that if we missed any part of it we would have to wait an entire year before it came on again. There was no way to record T.V. And the worst part - we had to actually stand up and walk over to the T.V. to change the channel - no remotes! Oh! And it was black and white!

We didn't have an air conditioner, we just left the doors and windows open all of the time in the summer. One our favorite pastimes in the summer was to go to the movie. It usually cost about 50 cents and it was ALWAYS a double feature. I loved the feeling of going to the movie in the afternoon and getting out well after dark. Sometimes we would go to the drive-in movie. It was always a battle to get the car situated so that the speaker was set up inside the car so that we could all hear and see the movie.
Gas was about 30 cents per gallon. We didn't wear seat belts, very few cars had them. I remember going on one vacation while riding in our white truck. It had a shell over the back, we covered the bed of the truck with sleeping bags and climbed under the shell and rode for hundreds of miles lying down in the back of the truck.
Every school I attended started at 8:15 and got out at 3:15. During elementary school everyone wore dresses - every day. We would wear shorts under the dress if we were going to do handstands so no one would see our underwear. Our dresses had to be a certain length and boy's hair could not touch their collars.
This was a fun post. I had forgotten how many things are different now than they were back in the olden days!
Here is a list of a few things that were different:
There were more kids playing outside. We didn't have computers or handheld games so we entertained ourselves by playing outside. In the summer we left the house first thing in the morning and didn't come home until dinner time. The world wasn't as scary, we never worried about kidnappings or any other other evil befalling us. Of course we didn't have cell phones so when it was time to come home mom didn't text or call us. She stood on the porch and yelled our names. We could hear her from anywhere in the neighborhood!
Speaking of phones, we only had land lines - and during my early years we had a party line. A party line was where 2, 3, or 4 homes shared the same phone line. Often you would lift the telephone receiver, ready to make a phone call, and you would hear a conversation from someone on your party line. You would have to wait until they were finished before you could make your call. If the phone rang you would have to answer it to find out who it was - no caller ID, and if you weren't home, you just missed the call because there was no answering machine.
We only had 4 television channels, CBS, ABC, NBC, and PBS. When special shows would come on that we wanted to watch (like Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer and A Charlie Brown Christmas) we would all gather around the television with eyes glued to the show. We knew that if we missed any part of it we would have to wait an entire year before it came on again. There was no way to record T.V. And the worst part - we had to actually stand up and walk over to the T.V. to change the channel - no remotes! Oh! And it was black and white!
We didn't have an air conditioner, we just left the doors and windows open all of the time in the summer. One our favorite pastimes in the summer was to go to the movie. It usually cost about 50 cents and it was ALWAYS a double feature. I loved the feeling of going to the movie in the afternoon and getting out well after dark. Sometimes we would go to the drive-in movie. It was always a battle to get the car situated so that the speaker was set up inside the car so that we could all hear and see the movie.
Gas was about 30 cents per gallon. We didn't wear seat belts, very few cars had them. I remember going on one vacation while riding in our white truck. It had a shell over the back, we covered the bed of the truck with sleeping bags and climbed under the shell and rode for hundreds of miles lying down in the back of the truck.
Every school I attended started at 8:15 and got out at 3:15. During elementary school everyone wore dresses - every day. We would wear shorts under the dress if we were going to do handstands so no one would see our underwear. Our dresses had to be a certain length and boy's hair could not touch their collars.
This was a fun post. I had forgotten how many things are different now than they were back in the olden days!
PS I forgot how to add text to the bottom of photos. Help..