September Challenge Day #9— Record something that happened in the last week.
We caught the first tarantula of the season. We often see a tarantula or two each fall, everyone in our neighborhood does. Apparently we are on the migration path for the furry little buggers. Kim for some strange reason likes them. He almost always catches them in a mason jar and keeps them on the piano until he can find a science teacher to give them to. This year he couldn't find one, so he just decided to let it go - in our back yard - but not until he played with it for awhile!
After playing with it for quite awhile, he begged, cajoled, coerced, and bullied me, trying to get me to hold it. I'm not sure what came over me! I had total lapse in common sense, for all of the sudden my arm had a mind of its own and slowly my hand moved until it was next to Kim's hand - THE ONE WITH THE TARANTULA.
Ever so slowly it inched its way from Kim's hand to mine.
Kim wasn't quick enough. . . I flung that monster off my arm into the ground! I guess Kim felt sorry for it, because he went right over and picked it up again. I went into the house!

I ended up working the whole weekend, so Kim got to enjoy the festivities with the family.
After playing with it for quite awhile, he begged, cajoled, coerced, and bullied me, trying to get me to hold it. I'm not sure what came over me! I had total lapse in common sense, for all of the sudden my arm had a mind of its own and slowly my hand moved until it was next to Kim's hand - THE ONE WITH THE TARANTULA.
Ever so slowly it inched its way from Kim's hand to mine.
Kim kept saying, "isn't it soft?" And I kept saying, "eeeooooiiiiiiuuuu!" Especially when it all of the sudden made a quick turn and started running up my arm toward my head. "GET IT OFF!, GET IT OFF! GETITOFFFFFFFFFFFF!" I screamed.
Peach Days!
This year Bubba got to choose if wanted to walk with his school or if he wanted to walk with his gymnastics group in the children's parade. He chose gymnastics because he "wants to do cartwheels down the street".
We were pleasantly surprised to find his friends from daycare to walk and tumble with him.
Waiting, waiting, waiting for the parade to start. |
Robin's little guy chose to go with the school
Doing cartwheels |
I ended up working the whole weekend, so Kim got to enjoy the festivities with the family.
It looks like they are having a GREAT time! How lucky Bubba is to have cousins that are best friends to share Peach Days with.
Love the cartwheels!