September Challenge Day #8--What numbers best represent you?

Does this question even make sense?  What numbers represent me?  Well I could say:
 120/80 because that is my blood pressure (now that I am on medication)
125 because the is the weight I feel that I should be (and still think I am – I get startled every time I look in the mirror and wonder who that pudgy, old lady is!)
3 because that is how many children we have
12,000,000 because that is how much money I want to win in the lottery (of course that probably won’t happen because I never buy lottery tickets!)
529-xxx-xxx because that is the number the government thinks is me
31 because that is how many years I have been married to my man
7 because that is the number I always choose when choosing a number between 1 and 10

I just think this is silly question.  I am NOT a number.  I am a person, a human being, a Child of God.  I have a name.  I am NOT just a number that represents one of the masses of humanity.  I am unique, I am an individual, I am ME!


Jodi said…
GREAT POST! Good job! Very good answer!

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