March 2021

Memories:  These vintage pictures surfaced this month.  I just love looking at old pictures remembering how things were - especially when the pictures are of loved ones who are no longer with us.  I love seeing Grandpa and Grandma surrounded by family.  They loved being with family!  This made me smile.
Top:  Tasha, Grandpa Olsen, Grandma Olsen, Abby (?) Shandra, Natalie, Mickel, LaurieJo
Bottom: Stephanie, Jan, Casey, Grandpa, Doug, Grandma, David, Ben, Justin
Dennis, Barbara, Kim, Jody, Alicia

Kalel Birthday:  Covid is still a constant threat, and I'm still working from home.  However, we did feel safe in having a family-only party for Kalel's birthday.  There is a new place here in town called Half  Axed.  We left Little Miss with Joey because we felt it would be just a little too dangerous for her and went to try our hand at axe-throwing. We had a marvelous time!  So much so that Kim has decided that he wants to build our own axe-throwing lane in our backyard!  I believe that Kalel had a wonderful birthday.  However, I'm not sure how he can be 14 years old already.  And he is suddenly so tall!!!

Rollerblading:  Kalel got a new pair of rollerblades from his dad for his birthday.  It was really fun watching him learn how to balance and make himself move!  It took him a while, but then his natural athletic ability took over and he really got the hang of it.  Shandra thought it looked so fun that she strapped on his blades and showed him how it was done.  She hasn't lost her ability even though she hasn't been on blades for a very long time.  

Housing:  Since Shandra sold her condo, house prices have gone absolutely CRAZY!!!  A house that sold for $250,000 just a few months ago is now going for $375,000-$400,000!  Even though Shandra made a nice profit on her condo, there is absolutely nothing available in her price range.  After the "great cleaning" last month, Kim and I now have room for Shandra and the kids to move in with us until house prices stabilize and drop a bit.  It is a little crowded, but it is also very nice to have them here.  We are able to help with the kids a bit to give Shandra a break, and she is much better at fixing meals, so we are eating better.  Honestly, for the most part, I am liking them living here. 


Little Miss and a dirty face:  This little girl just LOVES to be outside!  She is outside every minute that she is able - and usually is digging in dirt.  What a goof!

My Friend Tammy: 3/31/21 Today I went to lunch with my good friend, Tammy.  We had a good time as always, we sat outside at Peach City and ate our burgers and sundaes and practically froze our buns off!  We couldn’t go inside because the dining room is still closed due to the COVID pandemic.  Anyway, I have been thinking about my friendship with Tammy.  We have been good friends for decades.  We started hanging around together when we were in junior high school and except for a few years right after high school graduation where we lost track of each other, we have been friends ever since.  It has probably been at least 40 years of friendship. 

Despite being friends for such a long time, we really don’t have much in common.  Tammy has been a stay-at-home mom for most of her life where I have almost always worked full time.  Tammy is uncomfortable when her calendar has only a couple of items on it, whereas my calendar rarely has a blank day.  Her favorite thing to do is to hang out in her camper with Mike, her husband – even if it is just in her backyard.  I find myself continually planning vacations, mostly to our timeshare condos.  I love going with Kim and the family, but I also love going with girlfriends, my “Broadway Play Buddies”, and with my sisters for our sister retreats.  For the most part Tammy enjoys staying close to home and enjoying life from the sidelines, I seem to be constantly running and involved with many, many activities.  Game playing is a staple in my life, but Tammy would rather watch us play than play herself.  If we go shopping together, we never agree on what looks the best.  She has had a hip replacement and my kids just talked me into learning to rollerblade!  (I’m sure that I will need a knee or hip replacement soon from a skating injury!)

It is amazing to me that despite all our differences we truly are best friends.  She is there for me whether I am sharing happy news or crying over some trial in my life – and I am there for her.  We share our feelings with each other in ways that we don’t with anyone else.  We just enjoy talking and laughing together.  She is a spiritual example to me, and I love our talks about the gospel.  We have gone on several trips together and we never seem to run out of things to say.  I am just relaxed and comfortable with her.  The bottom line is that somehow our friendship works, despite or maybe because of our differences.  I am grateful that she is my friend.


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